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ODOAP  aims to change and shape lives. The work we do at our non-profit organization aims to provide a holistic approach to solving some of the biggest challenges facing our diaspora community. We ensure that community members are empowered, creating opportunities for individuals and for the  community.



The community

At ODOAP, we are committed to intensifying our efforts to address this issue. The questions  around Brexit  they are not  All in all an easy task to navigate, but with our intervention and cooperation, we believe we can facilitate progress in this area.
We are committed to   make a difference and we invite everyone to inform themselves  more in relation  to this situation  that will bring changes to all PALOP  UK residents.


for the sake of change

promotion of  Social inclusion

Provide a local networking group that encourages and enables PALOP community members to participate more effectively with the wider community;

  Create a bridge between the community and others  necessary service providers in order to direct them to a more effective response to their needs.   

Promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit among the community  PALOP that is  socially excluded, offering  an opportunity to develop skills that alleviate  of your needs.

Provide workshops, forums,  advocacy services and general support.

Unemployment Relief

Job search support  since many of the difficulties encountered are language barriers and   difficulties in accessing or instructing the new electronic platforms.
This support includes the development of skills such as creating a  cv,  apply for a job and prepare for an interview.
The ultimate objective will always be to promote the independence of the members  of the community.

Provision of Education and Training

With this initiative the  our goal is to promote  opportunities for those most in need.

With access to the right resources community members  can empower themselves with their own skills, qualities and gain confidence to develop the  your potential or even your own business

Learn more about our work by contacting our team today.

Youth Orientation

Outline a path and alleviate the needs of the youth community  PALOP through:

Offer of recreational and leisure activities offered in the interest of social welfare, aimed at improving the living conditions of PALOP youth.

Helping through the mentoring scheme, where PALOP youth will be paired with current students or alumni to support them before, during and after university.

Support  PALOP youth, providing a list of scholarships and fellowships specifically dedicated to ethnic minorities  and  support them  in the enrollment process.

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